Policy For Personal Information Protection

Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes that personal information of the customers/clients of the Company is important and endeavors to handle and protect such information appropriately in accordance with  the Basic Policy for Personal Information Protection of the Company. Click here for more information on the Company's handling of anonymously processed information.
When the Company stipulates separately the handling of personal information related to customers and business partners in a privacy policy established individually for each of its services (“Individual Policy”), the Individual Policy will take precedence over this Policy for Personal Information Protection.

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
In the conduct of business by the Company and its group companies as described in (1) - (32) below, personal information is collected and used for the purposes described in a - r below.

  • (1) Possession, management, and lease of real estate
  • (2) Entrusted service for management and lease of real estate
  • (3) Purchasing, sales, brokerage, and appraisal of real estate
  • (4) Construction/renovation and sales of housing
  • (5) Possession, management, operation, and lease of sightseeing and amusement facilities
  • (6) Management of hotels and restaurants
  • (7) Concession services at airports, etc.
  • (8) Management of cableway business
  • (9) Development of residential and industrial lands etc.
  • (10) Dredging and reclamation of harbors and rivers, etc.
  • (11) Design, administration and contract work for construction and civil engineering
  • (12) Business in accordance with the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act
  • (13) Investment in specific purpose companies, special purpose companies (companies specified in the Ordinance on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements, etc.) and real estate investment trusts, and purchasing, sales, brokerage and management of such investment equity
  • (14) Preliminary survey and consulting services on real estate investment
  • (15) Consulting services on management, operation, sales and liquidation of real estate
  • (16) Provision of information on real estate investment, and survey and analysis of the real estate market
  • (17) Management and administration of parking/car washing places and entrusted services for such management and administration
  • (18) Entire operations relating to the business specified in the Heat Supply Business Act
  • (19) Management and administration of fee-based homes for the elderly and entrusted services for such management and administration and consulting
  • (20) Various in-home services and designated in-home long-term care services in accordance with the Long-Term Care Insurance Act
  • (21) Operations relating to solicitation of life insurance and insurance agency business in accordance with the law relating to property damage insurance and the Automobile Liability Security Act
  • (22) Security services in accordance with the Security Services Act
  • (23) Travel agency services such as offering/order acceptance of domestic and overseas package tours in accordance with the Travel Agency Act
  • (24) Money loan secured by real estate, a right relating to real estate or securities and other money loans, and administrative services for such loans and loan guarantees
  • (25) Purchasing and sales of used articles, and sales of cigarettes, revenue stamps, stamps, postcards, gift certificates, admission tickets of movie/play/concert/sports event and building materials, etc.
  • (26) Export, import, wholesale and sales of clothing items, cosmetics, fashion goods, foods and beverages/alcoholic beverages, etc.
  • (27) Sales, rental and agency services for such sales and rental for the following items
    Gardening supplies, furniture, interior articles, sporting goods, books, office supplies, daily necessary and miscellaneous goods, caring articles, medical devices, health equipment, interior decorations, home electric appliances, air purifier, water purifier and home dust collector
  • (28) Telecommunications business and internet provider business in accordance with the Telecommunications Business Act
  • (29) Entrusted services for operation, development/installation of equipment and maintenance of high-speed data communication system, and sales of such system, and consulting services
  • (30) Development, manufacture, sales, rental, export, import, maintenance, and management of computers and peripheral devices
  • (31) Review and conduct of new businesses
  • (32) Subsidiary business for each of the preceding items
    • a. Sales activities (sales activities include visits, sending direct mails, pamphlets, etc., solicitation, services, information provision, etc. by telephone or e-mail; hereinafter referred to as "sales activities"), fulfillment of contracts, marketing activities (Marketing activities include questionnaire surveys, creation of statistical information, survey analysis, etc., hereinafter referred to as "marketing activities").
    • b. For management services related to lease business (management services in lease business including understanding/conduct/notification of construction and operations in facilities, monitoring of entering/leaving visitors in facilities, crime prevention/security, disaster prevention, order maintenance in facilities and other services/information provision).
    • c. For holding explanatory meetings for neighboring residents and explanation to/negotiation with neighboring residents related to building construction plans.
    • d. For operations of recreational facilities and Operating Activities, fulfillment of contracts, trend analysis of customers using facilities and Marketing Activities thereof
    • e. For notifications to members/users/clients/client candidates/related parties, Operating Activities, Marketing Activities, and confirmation of users of computer services in managed facilities as necessary for the operation of convenient facilities, facility management-related services, and information provision services provided by the Company.
    • f. For notifications to participants/applicants in various seminars/events, Operating Activities and Marketing Activities thereof
    • g. For improvement of operations and Marketing Activities for planning enhancement.
    • h. For solution proposals, including proposals for effective use of real estate, consulting services, and understanding information related to clients.
    • i. For the conduct of purchasing real estate, such as land, and the management services of real estate, such as land purchased by the Company.
    • j. For support and collaboration on commercialization of businesses of the Company and its group companies.
    • k. For the conduct of after-sales services related to property for sale (including sales of business offices) and the product planning/improvement of standard specifications in the residential business of the Company.
    • l. For operations and management of customer membership organizations.
      1) To provide information on various customer member benefits and other matters, to conduct Operating Activities such as guidance/solicitation/etc. on businesses and products with which the Group is involved, and to conduct surveys, and to provide guidance on events, etc. via email, postal items including newsletter, direct mail, etc., telephone, etc. 2) To answer inquiries and consultations from customer members. 3) To publish statistically processed aggregate data. However, this does not include information capable of identifying individuals. 4) To contact customer members to confirm details of registered information when applying for membership.
    • m. For conduct of employment application screening at the Company.
    • n. For communication/notifications in corporate communication activities/IR activities.
    • o. For various communication/notifications and operations/management of delivery of deliverables/publication in environmental activities/CSR activities.
    • p. For operations of various organizations where the Company takes the role of administrative office.
    • q. For general understanding of executive structure related to the group companies of the Company.
    • r. For screening, etc. of business partners, etc. related to a - q above.

2. Shared use
For the purposes set forth in 1. above (excluding dk), securities report or Group company list We may jointly use personal data with our group companies and related parties listed in . In that case, the items of personal data will be name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, affiliated organization/department/position, age/date of birth, annual income, family composition, real estate information, etc. Management responsibility lies with our company.

The Company and its group company Higashi-Fuji Green Co., Ltd. (golf course operations) may jointly use personal information on required data concerning members of the golf courses the Company operates for the purpose described in 1.d above. The personal information includes name, address, telephone number, fax number, mobile phone number, email address, annual income, occupation, employment (job title), school, age, date of birth, gender, educational background, work experience, sports experience, membership status at other golf courses, family structure, and real estate information. In such cases, the responsibility for management of personal information will be as follows.

Hisashi Miyata, President
Higashi-Fuji Green Co., Ltd.
604-3 Omika, Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka 410-1308, Japan

The Company, Mitsubishi Estate Residence Co., Ltd., which is the after-sales service contact company for property for sale, and other group companies may jointly use required items such as the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of person purchasing property for sale, and real estate information to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose described in 1.k above. In such cases, after-sales service companies for each property will be responsible for management of personal information.

3. Security Control Measures

  • (1) The Company takes necessary and appropriate measures as described below to prevent the personal information it handles being leaked, lost, or damaged, or to achieve some other purpose related to security control for personal information.
    • ・In areas where personal information is handled, control of employee access and restrictions on equipment brought in, as well as implementation of measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal information.
    • ・Measures taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents handling personal information, and to ensure that personal information is not easily ascertained when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are moved, including within the business site.
    • ・Access control and limitations on the staff and scope of personal information databases, etc. to be handled.
    • ・Introduction of mechanisms to protect information systems that handle personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
  • (2) When having its employees handle personal information, the Company maintains rules regarding the handling of personal information, regularly inspects the handling status, and conducts the necessary and appropriate supervision, including periodic training of such employees, in order to ensure the safe management of such personal information.
  • (3) When outsourcing the handling of personal information, either in full or in part, the Company carries out necessary and appropriate monitoring, including periodic inspection of the way personal information is handled by the service provider to ensure security control of outsourced personal information.
  • (4) When it handles personal information in a foreign country, the Company regularly collects information on and acquires knowledge of information on the personal information protection systems of the country and takes security control measures accordingly.

4. For inquiries and feedback regarding requests for disclosure of personal information held by the Company and the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact the point of contact listed on the website/in the document, etc. where you provided your personal information or the point of contact listed in the following List of Personal Information Points of Contact by Business Group. The Company will respond after confirming the inquiry is being made by the person providing such personal information. (However, the Company may not be able to meet your requirements in certain circumstances.)

The Company has a personal information point of contact at each of its functional or business groups. Therefore, please send a Personal Information Inquiry Form to the point of contact for the functional or business group collecting your information. If you do not know which point of contact to consult, please send your inquiry to the Point of Contact for Personal Information in the Corporate Group.

List of Personal Information Points of Contact by Functional / Business Group

  1. 1. Client Strategy Planning Department: Contact for Personal Information in the Business Development, Client Relations & Solutions Group
  2. 2. Business Creation Department: Contact for Personal Information in the Innovation and Business Transformation Group
  3. 3. Commercial Property Business Planning Department: Contact for Personal information in the Commercial Property Business Group
  4. 4. Marunouchi Property Business Planning Department: Contact for Personal information in the Marunouchi Property Business Group
  5. 5. Residential Business Planning Department: Contact for Personal Information in the Residential Business Group
  6. 6. International Business Planning Department: Contact for Personal Information in the International Business Group
  7. 7. Investment Management Business Department: Contact for Personal Information in the Investment Management Group
  8. 8. Legal & Compliance Department: Contact for Personal Information in the Corporate Group
  9. 9. Human Resources Department: Contact for Personal Information concerning Recruiting Staf
  10. * For 9, inquiries can also be sent via e-mail to recruit@mec.co.jp

Personal Information Inquiry Form
(Please fill in the required information and send to the address below.)

Otemachi Park Building, 1-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8133, Japan
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.
Point of Contact for Personal Information in XXX Business in the XXX Department (Please choose one of the points of contact listed above.)

An individual point of contact has been established for the following service. Please check the point of contact from the link and contact from the website directly.

◆ Machi Pass

(Revised in April 2024)