Handling of anonymously processed information, etc. at our company
Based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"), the Company shall process personal information to make it impossible to identify a specific individual. (hereinafter referred to as "anonymously processed information") and information related to its processing method (hereinafter referred to as "processing method information"). .
1. Business name
2. Compliance with relevant laws, guidelines, etc.
3. Matters concerning security control measures
4. "Individual information items" included in the anonymously processed information created by our company
5. Matters concerning anonymously processed information provided to third parties
6. Contact point for questions and complaints
Creation and third party provision of anonymously processed information on Marunouchi card purchase history
Regarding the information related to the purchase history of the Marunouchi Card (*) held by our group company Mitsubishi Jisho Property Management Co., Ltd., Ltd., we are unable to identify a specific individual and restore the personal information used to create it. We will create anonymously processed information after taking appropriate protective measures to prevent it from being possible, and will provide it to third parties, so we will make it public.
1 "Individual information items" included in the anonymously processed information created by our company
Date of purchase, age group, gender, store information, purchase amount, place of work
2 "Individual information items" included in anonymously processed information provided to third parties and its "provision method"
(1) "Individual information items" included in anonymously processed information provided to third parties
In compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other laws and regulations, the "Guidelines on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and other guidelines, the Company will process anonymously processed information and information such as processing methods (hereinafter referred to as "anonymously processed information, etc."). ) should be handled properly.
(2) “Method of provision” of anonymously processed information
Delivery of electronic files
3 Contact point for questions and complaints
(1) Address
1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8133
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., Ltd. Commercial Property Business Planning Department Anonymously Processed Information Protection Consultation Desk(2) Telephone number
* Regarding the joint use of such information with Mitsubishi Jisho Property Management Co., Ltd. by the Company, Please refer to Mitsubishi Estate Property Management's personal information protection policy.
[Mitsubishi Jisho Property Management Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Policy]
About creation and third party provision of anonymously processed information on ACT5 member points
The Company shall create anonymously processed information on information related to ACT5 member points held by the Company after taking appropriate protective measures to prevent the identification of specific individuals and the restoration of the personal information used for creation. We will continue to provide it to third parties, so we will announce it.
1 "Individual information items" included in the anonymously processed information created by our company
Age, place of work, point transaction history
2 "Individual information items" included in anonymously processed information provided to third parties and its "provision method"
Age, place of work, point transaction history
Upload to a server operated and managed by the provider so that a third party can use anonymously processed information3 Contact point for questions and complaints
(1) Address
1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8133
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., Ltd. Commercial Property Business Planning Department Anonymously Processed Information Protection Consultation Desk(2) Telephone number