- 所期奉公
- 事業を通じ、物心共に豊かな社会の実現に努力すると同時に、かけがえのない地球環境の維持にも貢献する。
- 処事光明
- 公明正大で品格のある行動を旨とし、活動の公開性、透明性を堅持する。
- 立業貿易
- 全世界的、宇宙的視野に立脚した事業展開を図る。
- 経営者は自ら行動憲章・行動指針を率先垂範し、問題が発生した場合には迅速かつ適切に対応します。
- 望ましい行動は表彰・推奨し、反する行為は就業規則などに基づく処分の対象とします。
- 私たちは、行動憲章・行動指針に照らして自身の行動を常に自らに問いかけ、疑問を感じた時には迷わず相談します。
- ①全ての取引を公正に行います。
- ②情報を適正に管理します。
- ③あらゆる腐敗の防止に取り組みます。
- ④反社会的勢力とは一切の関係を遮断します。
- ⑤時代の変化への感度を高め、社会の要請に応えます。
- ①事業活動を通じて、長期的な価値を生み出します。
- ②気候変動をはじめとする地球環境問題に対して主体的に行動します。
- ③多様な活動を通して社会課題の解決に取り組み、貢献します。
- ④地域の歴史や文化、慣習を尊重します。
- ①お客さま、取引先、株主・投資家、地域社会などステークホルダーとの対話を重視します。
- ②事業活動に関わる情報を適切に開示します。
- ③職場での円滑なコミュニケーションを実践します。
- ④将来に目を向け、社会から期待されることを考え、行動します。
- ① 人権を尊重します。
- ② 差別やハラスメントは認めません。
- ③ 多様な価値観や個性から新しい仕組みや価値を生み出します。
- ④ 自由な発言ができるオープンな企業風土を醸成します。
- ①それぞれの立場で「まちづくり」を通じて社会に貢献できることを考え、実践します。
- ②自他の心身の健康を大切にし、活力ある職場づくりに努めます。
- ③組織の総合力発揮を目指し、プロフェッショナルとして主体的に行動します。
- ④変化をおそれず常にチャレンジを続けます。
Mission, Code of Conduct, and Guidelines of Conduct
The Spirit of
Mitsubishi: Three Principles
- “Shoki Hoko”所期奉公
- Corporate Responsibility to Society
Strive to enrich society, both materially and spiritually, while contributing toward the preservation of the global environment. -
- “Shoji Komei”処事光明
- Integrity and Fairness
Maintain principles of transparency and openness, conducting business with integrity and fairness. -
- “Ritsugyo Boeki”立業貿易
- Global Understanding through Business
Expand business,based on an all-encompassing global perspective.
The Mission of Mitsubishi Estate Group
Contribute to society through Machizukuri (urban development).
By building attractive and environmentally sound communities where people live, work and relax with contentment, contribute to creating a truly meaningful society.
Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct
To carry out the Group Mission, we pledge to observe the following Code of Conduct:
Act with integrity.
We will base our conduct on laws and ethics and always reflect with humility upon our behavior, valuing our communication with society and placing priority in our corporate mandate of earning trust through fairness and transparency.
Strive to earn the trust of our clients.
We will approach all objectives from our clients' point of view, providing safe and reliable products and services, and disclose information in appropriate manner.
Strive to create a vibrant workplace.
Pursuing personal growth, we will respect the human rights and the diversity of opinions of others to increase our creativity and professionalism, while displaying our collective strengths as a team.
Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct
In order to realize “who we aspire to be, how we aspire to be perceived, and the manner these aspirations are achieved” stated in the Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct, the Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct established specific behavioral standards.
- Managers are expected to take the initiative to set an example in following the Guidelines and responding promptly and appropriately when issues arise.
- Exemplary actions in accordance with these values are commended and encouraged. Any person in violations of the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with established policies or rules of employment specific to Mitsubishi Estate Group or any of its subsidiaries.
- We must always ensure to be in compliance with the Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Conduct, and if in doubt should seek advice without hesitation.
We comply with all laws and regulations, and respect the social norms in Japan and overseas. We establish and abide by corporate ethics, and respond to the expectations of a changing society.
- ①We engage fairly in all business dealings
- ②We manage and safeguard information appropriately
- ③We engage in efforts to prevent corruption in any form
- ④We refuse any and all anti-social activities in our business dealings
- ⑤We are highly sensitive and responsive to societal changes
By creating long-term value through sound business practices, we endeavor to ensure continued improvements in corporate value, sustainable social development, and conservation of the global environment.
- ①We create long-term value through our business practices
- ②We actively work to address climate change and other global environmental issues
- ③We strive to contribute positively to the resolution of social issues through our business actions and those of our managers and employees
- ④We show respect for local history, cultures and customs
Promoting communication
By pursuing active communication with our stakeholders, we work to build future-oriented relationships based on mutual trust.
- ①We prioritize dialogue with our stakeholders, including clients, business partners, shareholders, investors and local communities
- ②We appropriately disclose information relating to our business practices
- ③We facilitate good communication in the workplace
- ④We are forward-looking and anticipate the needs and expectations of society
Respect for human rights and diversity
We respect human rights and believe that diversity maximizes value.
- ① We respect human rights at all times
- ② We reject discrimination and harassment in any form
- ③ We strive to create new systems and values through diversity and respect for the individual
- ④ We foster an open corporate culture in which all employees are encouraged to speak freely
Empowering individuals
We work to create a vibrant workplace and in so doing pursue corporate growth through personal professional development and the practice of Machizukuri (urban development).* .
- ①We consider how to contribute to society by individually practicing Machizukuri
- ②We greatly value and encourage the physical and mental well-being of ourselves and colleagues through the creation of a vibrant and supportive workplace
- ③We make every effort to maximize our professional expertise, competencies and capabilities, to enhance the contributions we make as individual and as a team
- ④We embrace change and constantly seek our next professional and personal challenge
*Machizukuri (urban development) is a unique concept of the Mitsubishi Estate Group. Through “Machizukuri, the Mitsubishi Estate Group strives not only to develop high quality buildings and houses, but also to offer the benefits of happier, healthier, and safer spaces, to all people who gather, live, work and rest in the communities in which our buildings are located.