IR NewsIR E-mail Alerts
2024/11/ 07Financial Results
We have announced our second quarter financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2025.
2024/11/07 Financial Results
FY2024-2Q Financial Results updated
2024/11/ 01Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/11/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/10/22 Timely Disclosure
Notice Concerning Change in Specified Subsidiary
2024/10/ 01Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/10/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/09/ 19Financial Information
IR Calendar has been updated.
2024/09/19 Financial Results
2024/09/ 02Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/09/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/08/08Financial results information
We have announced our first quarter financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2025.
2024/08/08 Financial Results
FY2024-1Q Financial Results updated
2024/08/ 01Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/08/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/07/ 18Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2024/07/18 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2024/07/ 10Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2024/07/10 Reports
2024/07/01Financial results information
IR Calendar has been updated.
2024/07/01 Financial Results
2024/07/ 01Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/07/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/07/01 Meeting of Shareholders
We have posted a video of the 125th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders.
2024/06/28 Meeting of Shareholders
The results of the resolutions passed at the 125th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders have been posted.
2024/06/28 General Meeting of Shareholders
2024/06/27 Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of the 125th Ordinary General Meeting Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2024/06/ 27Various reports
The 2023 Notice to Shareholders has been posted.
2024/06/ other
The absorption-type division announcement has been posted.
2024/06/ 06Timely Disclosure
Notice regarding company split (simplified absorption-type split) with subsidiary
2024/06/ 03Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2024/06/03 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2024/05/29 Meeting of Shareholders
The notice of the 125th Ordinary General Meeting Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2024/05/29 General Meeting of Shareholders
2024/05/ 10Financial results information
We have announced our financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2024.
2024/05/10 Financial Results
FY2023 Financial Results updated
2024/05/ 10Timely Disclosure
Notice regarding the difference between the full-year individual (Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.) performance figures and the previous fiscal year's results
2024/05/ 10Timely Disclosure
Notice regarding decision on matters related to treasury shares and cancellation of treasury shares
2024/05/10 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning the Determination of Share Repurchase and the Cancellation of Treasury Stocks
2024/04/ 25Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2024/04/25 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2024/04/01 Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2024/03/ other
Business briefing materials have been posted.
2024/03/28 Others
Business Briefing Materials updated
2024/03/26 financial information
IR Calendar has been updated.
2024/03/26 Financial Results
2024/03/15 Timely disclosure
Notice regarding partial transfer of property (non-current assets)
2024/03/15 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning Partial Sale of Property (Non-Current Assets)
2024/02/ other
A simplified merger announcement has been published.
2024/02/16Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2024/02/16 Reports
2024/02/15 Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of Representative Executive Officer, Personnel Change, etc.
2024/02/15 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning Changes in Organization, Changes in Representative Corporate Executive Officers and Other Personnel
2024/02/09 financial information
We have announced financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2024.
2024/02/09 Financial Results
FY2022-3Q Financial Results updated
2024/01/24Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Group Organizational Restructuring (Merger of Company Subsidiary)
2023/12/22Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2023/12/22 Reports
2023/12/18 financial information
IR Calendar has been updated.
2023/12/18 Financial Results
2023/12/05Various reports
To our shareholders, we have posted information for fiscal year 2023 (interim).
2023/11/13 Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Status of Acquisition of treasury shares and Completion of Acquisition
2023/11/13 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status and Completion of Share Repurchase
2023/11/09 financial information
Notice regarding renewal of disclosure materials
2023/11/09 Financial Results
Notice Concerning the Renewal of IR Presentation Materials
2023/11/01 Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/11/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/10/02 Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/10/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/09/19 financial information
IR Calendar has been updated.
2023/09/19 Financial Results
2023/09/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/09/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/08/15Various reports
We have published Interated report 2023.
2023/08/14 Financial Results Information
The first quarter report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 has been posted.
2023/08/ 10Financial Information
Announced financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.
2023/08/10 Financial Results
FY2023-1Q Financial Results updated
2023/08/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/08/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/07/20 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2023/07/20 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2023/07/ 07Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2023/07/07 Reports
2023/07/03 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/07/03 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/07/03 Meeting of Shareholders
A video of the 124th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2023/06/30 Meeting of Shareholders
The results of the resolutions passed at the 124th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders have been posted.
2023/06/30 General Meeting of Shareholders
2023/06/29Various reports
securities year ending March 31, 2023 have been posted.
2023/06/29Various reports
To Our Shareholders 2022 has been posted.
2023/06/29 Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of Resolutions of the 124th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2023/06/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/06/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/05/31 Meeting of Shareholders
Supplementary explanation regarding Proposal No. 2 at the 124th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2023/05/31 General Meeting of Shareholders
2023/05/31 Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of convocation of the 124th Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2023/05/31 General Meeting of Shareholders
2023/05/11 Earnings Information
Announced financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.
2023/05/11 Financial Results
FY2022 Financial Results updated
2023/05/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/05/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/04/27 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2023/04/27 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2023/04/03 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/04/03 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/03/20 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2023/03/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/03/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/02/16 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of President & Chief Executive Officer, and Transfer of Representative Executive Officers, etc.
2023/02/16 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning Changes in Organization, Change of President and Changes in Representative Corporate Executive Officers and Other Personnel
2023/02/16 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Change in Specified Subsidiary
2023/02/16 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of President & Chief Executive Officer, etc.
2023/02/16 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning a Change of President
2023/02/14 Earnings Information
Third quarter report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 has been posted.
2023/02/09 Financial Results Information
Announced financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.
2023/02/09 Financial Results
FY2022-3Q Financial Results updated
2023/02/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/02/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2023/01/05 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2023/01/05 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2022/12/05Various reports
To Our Shareholders Fiscal Year 2022 (Interim) has been posted.
2022/12/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2022/12/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2022/11/14Various reports
Second Quarterly Report for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2023 has been posted.
2022/11/10 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Cancellation of treasury shares
2022/11/10 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning the Cancellation of Treasury Stocks
2022/11/10 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Concerning Acquisition of treasury shares
2022/11/10 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning the Determination of Share Repurchase
2022/11/10 financial information
Announced financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.
2022/11/10 Financial Results
FY2022-2Q Financial Results updated
2022/09/27 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Execution of Share Exchange Agreement (Simplified Share Exchange) for Making Marunouchi Hotel Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., Ltd.
2022/08/12Various reports
The first quarter report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 has been posted.
2022/08/09Various reports
We have published Interated report 2022.
2022/08/09 Reports
2022/08/05Financial Information
Announced financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.
2022/08/05 Financial Results
FY2022-1Q Financial Results updated
2022/07/21 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2022/07/21 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2022/07/13Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2022/07/13 Reports
2022/07/01 Meeting of Shareholders
A video of the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2022/06/30 Meeting of Shareholders
The results of the resolutions passed at the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders have been posted.
2022/06/30 General Meeting of Shareholders
2022/06/29 Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of Resolutions of the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2022/06/29Various reports
To Our Shareholders Fiscal Year 2021 has been posted.
2022/06/06 Meeting of Shareholders
Supplementary explanation regarding No. 10 (Mr. Narikawa), No. 3 candidate for the 3rd proposal at the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders of the Company has been posted.
2022/06/06 General Meeting of Shareholders
2022/05/31 Meeting of Shareholders
Supplementary explanation regarding Proposal No. 3 at the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2022/05/31 General Meeting of Shareholders
2022/05/31 Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of convocation of the 123rd Meeting of Shareholders has been posted.
2022/05/31 General Meeting of Shareholders
2022/05/12 Earnings Information
Announced financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
2022/05/12 Financial Results
FY2021 Financial Results updated
2022/04/21 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted treasury shares Remuneration
2022/04/21 Timely Disclosures
Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
2022/04/08Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2022/ other /01Others
Former Royal Park Hotel Co., Ltd. (company dissolved in an absorption-type merger) electronic public notice has been posted.
2022/03/31 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Revision of Executive Remuneration System
2022/03/31 Timely Disclosures
Notice of the Revision of the Remuneration System for Corporate Executive Officers
2022/03/25 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Status of Acquisition of treasury shares and Completion of Acquisition
2022/03/25 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status and Completion of Share Repurchase
2022/03/10 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2022/03/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2022/03/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2022/02/15 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Group Organizational Restructuring (Merger of Company Subsidiary)
2022/02/14Various reports
Third quarter report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 has been posted.
2022/02/10Financial Information
Announced financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
2022/02/10 Financial Results
FY2021-3Q Financial Results updated
2022/02/10 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Revision (Increase) of Year-End Dividend Forecast
2022/02/10 Timely Disclosures
Announcement of Upward Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecasts
2022/02/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2022/02/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2022/01/05 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2022/01/05 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/12/03Various reports
To Our Shareholders Fiscal Year 2021 (Interim) has been posted.
2021/12/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/12/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/11/15Various reports
Second Quarterly Report for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2022 has been posted.
2021/11/10 Earnings Information
Announced financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
2021/11/10 Financial Results
FY2021-2Q Financial Results updated
2021/11/10 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Application for Delisting of Company Shares on the Nagoya Stock Exchange
2021/11/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/11/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/10/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/10/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/09/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/09/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/08/16Various reports
The first quarter report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 has been posted.
2021/08/06 Earnings Information
Announced financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.
2021/08/06 Financial Results
FY2021-1Q Financial Results updated
2021/08/06Various reports
Interated report 2021 has been issued.
2021/08/06 Reports
2021/08/02 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/08/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/07/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/07/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/06/29Various reports
securities Report and Internal Control Report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 have been posted.
2021/06/29Various reports
To Our Shareholders Fiscal Year 2020 has been posted.
2021/06/01 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/06/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/05/26 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Execution of Share Exchange Agreement (Simplified Share Exchange) for Making Royal Park Hotel Co., Ltd. a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., Ltd.
2021/05/26 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Execution of a Share Exchange Agreement for the Acquisition of 100% Ownership of ROYAL PARK HOTEL CO., LTD. (Simple Share Exchange) by MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD.
2021/05/13 Earnings Information
Announced financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021.
2021/05/13 Financial Results
FY2020 Financial Results updated
2021/05/13 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2021/05/13 Timely Disclosures
Announcement of Dividends of Surplus (Dividend Increase)
2021/05/06 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/05/06 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2021/04/22 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Stock Remuneration
2021/04/22 Timely Disclosures
Issue of New Shares as Stock Compensation
2021/04/09Various reports
Report on Corporate Governance has been updated.
2021/04/08 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Concerning Acquisition of treasury shares
2021/04/08 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning the Determination of Share Repurchase
2021/03/22 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Change in Specified Subsidiary
2021/03/16 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2021/02/10 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Revision (Increase) of Year-End Dividend Forecast
2021/02/10 Timely Disclosures
Announcement of Upward Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecasts
2020/12/22 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Change in Specified Subsidiary
2020/05/29 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Change in Specified Subsidiary
2020/05/14 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2020/05/14 Timely Disclosures
Announcement of Dividends of Surplus (Dividend Increase)
2020/04/23 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Stock Remuneration
2020/04/23 Timely Disclosures
Issue of New Shares as Stock Compensation
2020/03/25 Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Status and Completion of Acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2020/03/25 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status and Completion of Share Repurchase
2020/03/05Timely Disclosure
Notice Concerning Partial Transfer of Property
2020/03/05 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning Partial Transfer of Property
2020/03/02 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Status of Acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2020/03/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2020/02/25 Timely Disclosure
Notice regarding the succession of the villa business in the Izu-Atagawa area to Angel Forest Resort Ture Co., Ltd. through a company split (simple absorption-type split)
2020/02/03 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2020/02/03 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2020/01/24 timely disclosure
Formulation Mitsubishi Estate Group long-term management plan
2020/01/24 Timely Disclosures
Mitsubishi Estate Group Long-Term Management Plan 2030
2020/01/23 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of Representative Executive Officer, Personnel Change, etc.
2020/01/06 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2020/01/06 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/12/02 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/12/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/11/01 Timely Disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/11/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/10/01 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/10/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/09/02 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/09/02 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/08/01 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/08/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/07/01 timely disclosure
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/07/01 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/06/03 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Status of Acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/06/03 Timely Disclosures
Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
2019/05/14 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Transfer of Sub-Subsidiaries in Subsidiaries, etc.
2019/05/14 timely disclosure
Non-Renewal of Countermeasures (Takeover Defense Measures) Regarding Large-Scale Acquisition of Company Shares
2019/05/14 Timely Disclosures
Non-Renewal of Countermeasures to Large-Scale Acquisitions of Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Shares (Takeover Defense Measures)
2019/05/14 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2019/05/14 Timely Disclosures
Announcement of Dividends of Surplus (Dividend Increase)
2019/05/14 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Decision on Matters Related to Acquisition of treasury shares treasury shares
2019/05/14 Timely Disclosures
Notice Concerning the Determination of Share Repurchase
2019/04/25 Timely Disclosure
Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Stock Remuneration
2019/04/25 Timely Disclosures
Issue of New Shares as Stock Compensation
2019/ other /12Others
Announcement of Japan's First 50-Year Bond Issuance 128th Unsecured bonds payable, Issue Amount of 15 Billion Yen and Interest Rate of 1.132% Decided Today
2018/09/05 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of URBAN LIFE Co., Ltd., Ltd. (Securities Code: 8851)
2018/07/24 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of URBAN LIFE Co., Ltd., Ltd. (Securities Code: 8851)
2018/06/28 timely disclosure
Partial Replacement of Independent Committee Members Based on Countermeasures against Large-scale Acquisition of Company Shares (Takeover Defense Measures)
2018/05/14 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2018/ other /08Others
Participating in the United Nations Global Compact - Contributing to the development of a sustainable society through business -
2018/04/26 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Introduction of Medium- to Long-term Performance-linked Stock Price-linked Remuneration System (Phantom Stock)
2018/04/26 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Stock Remuneration
2016/11/07 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend of Surplus (Dividend Increase) and Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecast
2016/06/30 timely disclosure
Approach and policy regarding the reduction of the investment unit
2016/06/29 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Introduction of Restricted Stock Remuneration Plan
2016/05/19 timely disclosure
Renewal of Countermeasures (Takeover Defense Measures) Regarding Large-scale Acquisition of Company Shares
2016/05/19 timely disclosure
Notice of Organizational Reform and Personnel Changes
2016/05/11 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2016/04/27 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Representative and Officers
2016/01/28 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2016/01/28 timely disclosure
Transition to a Company with Nominating Committee etc.
2016/ other /28Others
Notice Regarding Determination of Issuance Conditions for Publicly Offered Hybrid bonds payable (Publicly Offered Subordinated bonds payable)
2016/ other /08Others
Notice Regarding Issuance of Publicly Offered Hybrid bonds payable (Publicly Offered Subordinated bonds payable)
2015/08/17 timely disclosure
Notice of Confirmation of Contents, etc. of Allotment of Stock share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration-Type Stock Options)
2015/07/31 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Allotment of Stock share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration Stock Options)
2015/06/29 timely disclosure
Approach and policy regarding the reduction of the investment unit
2015/05/12 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Dividend (Increase) of Surplus
2015/03/24 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning extraordinary losses
2015/02/19 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Transfer of Rental Residential Business to Mitsubishi Estate Residence Co., Ltd., Ltd. through Company Split (Simplified Absorption-Type Company Split)
2015/02/19 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of Representative Director, and Personnel Change
2015/02/05 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning extraordinary losses
2015/01/06 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2014/11/27 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning Transfer of non-current assets Trust Beneficiary Rights
2014/10/29 timely disclosure
Regarding some reports on our business performance
2014/09/25 timely disclosure
Notice of Organizational Reform and Personnel Changes
2014/09/25 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Absorption-Type Merger (Simplified Merger) of First M Co., Ltd.
2014/08/15 timely disclosure
Notice of Confirmation of Contents, etc. of Allotment of share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration-Type Stock Options)
2014/07/31 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Allotment of Stock share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration Stock Options)
2014/06/30 timely disclosure
Approach and policy regarding the reduction of the investment unit
2014/05/07 timely disclosure
Regarding some reports on our business performance
2014/04/24 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Officers
2014/04/15 timely disclosure
Notice Concerning extraordinary losses
2014/02/20 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of Representative Director, and Personnel Change
Timely disclosure on October 24, 2013
Regarding some reports on our business performance
2013/08/15 timely disclosure
Notice of Confirmation of Contents, etc. of Allotment of share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration-Type Stock Options)
2013/07/31 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Subsidiary
2013/07/31 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Allotment of Stock share acquisition rights (Stock Remuneration Stock Options)
2013/06/28 timely disclosure
Approach and policy regarding the reduction of the investment unit
2013/05/15 timely disclosure
Renewal of Countermeasures (Takeover Defense Measures) Regarding Large-scale Acquisition of Company Shares
2013/04/24 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Change of Representative Director and Officers
2013/02/21 timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Organizational Reform, Change of Representative Director, and Personnel Change
2013/01/30 timely disclosure
Regarding some reports on our business performance