当社は、「住み・ 働き・ 憩う方々に満足いただける、地球環境にも配慮した魅力あふれるまちづくりを通じて、真に価値ある社会の実現に貢献します」という当社グループの基本使命の実現に向け、コーポレートガバナンス体制の整備・推進を経営の最重要課題の一つとして位置付けています。
2024年3月期は、ガバナンス体制の拡充を企図し、取締役会構成に関し執行兼務の取締役を1名減じ、取締役会に占める社外取締役構成比率を向上させたほか、数年に一度実施することとしている取締役会の第三者評価を行い、取締役会の実効性等について検証を実施しました。また、「長期経営計画 2030」で掲げる資本政策の一環として資本効率及び株主価値の向上を図るため、2020年3月期及び2022年3月期に実施した自己株式の取得(総額約1,300億円)に続き、約1,000億円の自己株式の取得(取得期間:2022年11月~2023年11月)を完了しました。なお、2024年5月には約500億円の自己株式の取得(取得期間:2024年5月~同年11月)を決議しています。
加えてダイバーシティ拡充の観点では、国連グローバル・コンパクト事務所と国連婦人開発基金(UNIFEM、現 UN Women)が共同で策定した女性のエンパワーメント原則(WEPs)に賛同し、同原則に基づき行動するためのステートメントに署名を行いました。
2020年4月からスタートした「長期経営計画 2030」は、取締役会として、約1年間にわたりしっかりと議論し、練り上げたものです。「株主価値向上戦略」に加え、サステナブルな社会の実現に向けた取り組みを実行する「社会価値向上戦略」を両輪として、当社グループの基本使命を実現していくことを主軸に据えています。
長期経営計画も5年目に入り、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響による価値観の変化、金利上昇リスク・インフレリスク・地政学リスクの高まり等、計画策定時から事業環境に変化が生じている状況を踏まえ、2024年3月期に「長期経営計画 2030」のレビューを行いました。「株主価値向上戦略」と「社会価値向上戦略」を両輪とする考え方は変更せず、「株主価値向上戦略」においては、原点回帰(Return to Basics)をコンセプトに、不動産事業に係る開発・運営・営業・フィービジネス・資金管理・コーポレート等における「稼ぐ力」の底上げを目指すこと、また、「社会価値向上戦略」においては、サステナビリティ重要テーマを「当社グループと社会、双方の持続可能性確立のためのアクション」として再定義し、当社グループのコアビジネスであるまちづくりとの親和性を高め、事業とサステナビリティの融合を目指すこととしました。2030年の目標達成に向けて、経営計画をより一層推進していきます。
取締役会の議長として、執行経験を活かしながら、多様な知見・経験を有するメンバーで構成される取締役会での活発な議論を促し、リードすることで、長期的な目線での経営監督体制を構築していきます。私たち取締役会は、当社グループの基本使命のもと、これからの社会や環境の変化を見据えた経営の推進に全力で取り組み、株主・ 投資家の皆様の期待に応えてまいります。
Mitsubishi Estate positions the development and promotion of its corporate governance system as one of its most important management tasks in realizing the Mitsubishi Estate Group's basic mission of contributing to the creation of a truly meaningful society by building attractive, environmentally sound communities where people can live, work, and relax with contentment.
Mitsubishi Estate has adopted a Company with Nominating Committee, etc., structure. Under this structure, the role of the Board of Directors is to decide on basic management policies and supervise overall management. The Board of Directors endeavors to ensure the transparency and objectivity of management so that it can fulfill its accountability to shareholders and other stakeholders. To this end, it has implemented initiatives on an ongoing basis, such as introducing performance-based officer remuneration, increasing the proportions of outside directors on the Board of Directors and all committees, ensuring that independent outside directors serve as the chairpersons of all committees, deciding not to retain its defense strategy effort against possible hostile takeover attempts, introducing a third-party evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, disclosing a skills matrix, and increasing the number of female directors to two.
In FY2023, Mitsubishi Estate sought to improve its corporate governance system. In terms of the composition of the Board of Directors, it reduced the number of directors concurrently serving as corporate executive officers by one, raising the proportion of outside directors serving on the Board. It also conducted a thirdparty evaluation of the Board of Directors, held once every few years, to examine the Board's effectiveness. Meanwhile, following on from share buybacks in FY2019 and FY2021 totaling approximately ¥130.0 billion, the Company completed share buybacks of approximately ¥100.0 billion between November 2022 and November 2023 to increase capital efficiency and shareholder value as part of capital policies set out in Long-Term Management Plan 2030. Furthermore, it has approved share buybacks of approximately ¥50.0 billion to be conducted between May 2024 and November 2024.
In addition, Mitsubishi Estate endorsed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), established jointly by the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (currently UN Women), signing a statement for taking action in accordance with the WEPs, in its efforts to improve diversity.
The Board of Directors spent approximately one year carefully discussing and refining Long-Term Management Plan 2030, which was introduced in April 2020. Combining strategies for increasing shareholder value, with strategies for increasing social value, which entail implementing initiatives aimed at realizing a sustainable society, the plan focuses on realizing the Group’s basic mission.
Given that the business environment has changed since the formulation of Long-Term Management Plan 2030, including changes in people's values due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary risks, the risk of increases in interest rates, and geopolitical risks, the Company conducted a review of the plan in FY2023 as it entered its fifth year. Without changing the approach of combining strategies for increasing both shareholder and social value, Mitsubishi Estate decided to aim to raise earnings power in various areas of its real estate business, including development, operation, sales, fee businesses, capital management, and corporate, based on the concept of a return to basics in strategies for increasing shareholder value. Meanwhile, in strategies for increasing social value, it decided to redefine its key sustainability themes as actions for ensuring the sustainability of both the Mitsubishi Estate Group and of society, enhancing their affinity with urban development, the Group's core business, with the aim of integrating sustainability into its businesses. The Company will redouble its efforts in promoting the management plan to achieve its 2030 targets.
Amid the rapid pace of change in the business environment in recent years, the Board of Directors recognizes that the value demanded of the Group will also change. Mindful of this, the Board continuously discusses what it must do to transform changes into opportunities, earn the support of stakeholders, and achieve ongoing growth unique to the Group.
As chairperson of the Board, I will work to establish a management supervisory structure from a long-term perspective by encouraging and leading active discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors, which comprises members with a diverse range of knowledge and experience, while utilizing my own experience of business execution. Guided by the basic mission of the Group, the Board of Directors will meet the expectations of shareholders and investors through concerted efforts to promote management that anticipates future changes in society and the business environment.
August 2024
三菱地所株式会社 取締役会⻑
Chairperson of the Board
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.